Saturday, April 7, 2012

revealing masks.

(note: this is gonna be a very long post without pictures)
 hi guys i haven't updated this space in over a week lol, my last day of work was just two days ago thank god i don't need to wake up at 5 in the morning anymore. 
so today has been an emotional roller coaster, and i have no idea where to start. 
 well basically i'm quite sick of being nice and still get misunderstood. 

ever since about two years ago, i underwent a major personality reflection and started trying to change. i honestly became a whole lot less bitchy/ judgemental, or at least tried to. 

 but see, some people are so full of hatred that they choose to believe the worst in others. maybe they're born to be cynical, who knows. that's not the point.

 i just found out that a certain number of people have been extremely two-faced in front of me. i have no idea why. i don't feel the need to say more because "hypocritical" is pretty self-explanatory. 
 these people are the most cunning, despicable group in the world. there isn't a label on their foreheads telling us that, so we won't feel obliged to be cautious around them.

 i had a long talk with sharmane today because we've been having a lot of misunderstandings (everything is cleared up, if you're wondering) and she was telling me about the things she heard.
 this one guy, particularly, shocked me. i've known him for a good ten years and all along he's been really nice to me. 
 yes even up till today, he still tried to be "nice". so when i saw him today, i completely ignored him and even rolled my eyes at him (felt good, i haven't done it and meant it in a long time lol) when he tried to talk to me. guess what. he texted sharm, telling her that, and even said "never mind, i give face" -_- KISS MY ASS, i do not need you in my life, and i certainly do not need you to say one thing and mean another. 
so i couldn't take it and texted him, telling him to stop being so fake lolol. 

 revelation - regardless if you act like a bitch or act like a saint, people are still gonna be shit to you anyway.

 yes i've said my piece. no longer will i just mope at one corner, being devastated about a friend turning his or her back on me, i will stand up for myself. i do not live to please them. 
 i'll be a bitch when i need to.

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