Tuesday, August 30, 2011


The 28th of August was one of my happiest days ever!!!! After an hour in Borders, I left the place with six new books and a huge smile on my face!!!!!


My mum insisted that placing the books in this position would look good...... HAHAHA OKAY.


1. The five people you meet in Heaven - Mitch Albom
It's quite a popular book hahaha Sheryl said that it's good!!! :) I asked on Twitter LOL.

2. Hector and the Secrets of Love - Francois Lelord
I bought it only because someone on Formspring suggested it to me a few months ago. Yes, I haven't forgotten about your recommendation haha thank you!!! I know someone told me about Perfect Chemistry but I really couldn't find it! :(

3. Hidden - Cathy Glass
I honestly love her after reading Damaged!!! Being a foster carer is really not an easy job hehe can't wait to read this one! The description at the back of the book didn't explain much about the content, but of course the young boy had a hidden past heh.

4. Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother - Amy Chua
I hope I bought the right book!!! I think it is hahaha Joey was telling me about it previously!!!

5. Safe Haven - Nicholas Sparks
Anything by him is a good book hahaha.

6. We need to talk about Kevin - Lionel Shriver
LOOKS DAMN BLOODY FREAKING GOOD!!!!! This was at the top of my "to-buy-at-Borders" mental list, seriously. It's the thickest one among the six, but looks like the most interesting one hohoho.

HOWEVER.... I can only read these books after my O levels because I wouldn't have time to study! I really don't know how long I'll take to finish them all because I'm a very very slow reader, I assure you. I take like three minutes to finish one page haha. Maybe it's cuz I really read every single word and try to picture the scene in my mind. Once I accidentally skip past one word, I have to read the whole line/ paragraph again.
Yes I am weird I know.

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