Monday, January 10, 2011

Teens Model Search.

Yesterday, I met Carolyn at 313. We walked over to Scape together! Thankfully she knew the way because my sense of direction is extremely bad.
Registered > Took photos > Waited > Power-up training > More waiting > Interview!
It was totally not what I expected. They want their Teens Model to be a role model with both character and good appearance. The interview only lasted for about two minutes only!!! It was a very relaxed conversation and the judges are really friendly!
They asked me questions like "Why do you think you should be the Teens Model?" and "Why is your email nana?" LOL.

Initially I thought that I did well but I realized that I didn't!!!!!
1) I treated it like a normal conversation, so I think I had bad articulation as usual.
2) I probably spoke too fast. I really didn't take this very seriously, not like if I were to speak during an oral examination.
3) I didn't have eye contact with them all the time :/ I realized that I have this phobia, which is turning into a habit!!!

Oh and I'm very short hahaha they measured me as 157cm which is totally wrong!!!!!! :( :( :(

Overall, it was a good experience! The people there were damn pretty/ handsome/ muscular oh man it was so demoralizing. There was one guy in particular who had super cool hair! It was like G-Dragon, except that his one isn't white hehe. I made a few friends like Vivian, Iza, Elisa (I think), Jiaxin, Jasmine and some others hehehe.

I hope I get called this week! It seems really fun!! Pray hard for me okay?


Dress from Crazysorethroat!!! Visit and support them please :)

Oh this was my first time wearing such high heels! It's about 10 centimeters or something. At first, I was very uncomfortable with them. I couldn't even walk properly. But after a while, I got pretty used to it. However, wearing them for too long made my feet hurt!!!!






I screwed my close up shot shit haha.


Whoop whoop I love 987!!!!


The judges will judge you based on :
- Appearance
- Personality
- Speech

Hehehe I think I fail for all -.- OH WELL. It was worth a shot anyway.

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